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Febrero  29 de 2016

lakasito azul: Guirnaldas de luces:

Otro domingo mas continuamos con un post sobre decoración, hoy me centro en esas pequeñas luces (que se usan en navidad normalmente) pero que también pueden estar presentes el resto del año en nuestros hogares.
aporte además de luz, un toque de calidez y originalidad.
Aquí os dejo unas imágenes muy inspiradoras.

Another Sunday but continued with a post on decor, today I focus on those little lights (used at Christmas usually) but the rest of the year in our homes may also be present.
contribution in addition to light, a touch of warmth and originality.
Here you have some very inspiring images.

This looks so simple. Where can I get those lights?mommo design: Vintage decor:
I love this white wood floor, fairy lights and the sheepskin:

Decorating with Light: 10 Pretty Ways Use String Lights Apartment Therapy's Home Remedies | Apartment Therapy:
simple string lights:
Via M & A Dekor | A Nordic Christmas | Deer:
Guirnaldas formadas por bolas de hilos de colores con luces en su interior. Ideal para iluminar y decorar todos los ambientes de tu casa.:
Create a warm elegant glow in your home or on your special day with our indoor fairy lights.These gorgeous fairy lights are perfect for decorating a staircase or bedroom and also make a stunning wedding decoration. The 100 LED bulbs are spaced across 800cm of discreet clear cable and there is a generous 300cm lead from the plug in case your power supply isn't right next to your display. Supplied with a low voltage transformer plug, you can feel reassured that these fairy lights are really ...:
mason jars are great for everything-I really like this cute idea with the lights inside:
Beautiful natural looking string lights - they look like stars!:
Copper Wire Lights:
Kikkerland Copper String Lights:
Lanterns Filled with White Christmas Lights, Nontraditional Holiday Decor, Gardenista:
white string lights behind sheer curtain, bedroom:
You can hang strings of lights up on the wall behind you bed and then cover that same wall with a see-through curtain. Wallah!:


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